Can Dogs Eat Almonds.

Almonds that are properly processed aren’t directly harmful to dogs however, the dog’s system cannot effectively digest the proteins found in nuts. Consuming large amounts of almonds, either all at once or in smaller portions given over time, may cause digestive distress as well as obesity and pancreatitis. Along side the risk caused by almonds can also be a reservoir for Aspergillus mold. Pets are particularly vulnerable to aflatoxin emitted by this mold. Exposure could cause serious harm to your pet.

While almonds aren’t directly poisonous to dogs, they are not recommended. The canine body isn’t created to process nuts, and they may cause digestive distress, obesity, and anaphylactic pancreatitis.

Symptoms Of Almond Poisoning In Dogs.

Your dog has indulged in a sugary treat.

  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Stools that appear to be sloppy
  • Vomiting

Evidence of aflatoxin poisoning caused by aspergillus mold.

  • Jaundice
  • Lethargy
  • Liver failure
  • A lack of appetite
  • Vomiting

Pancreatitis symptoms.

  • Dehydration
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Trouble breathing
  • Fever
  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Insomnia and lack of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Orange urine
  • Extreme stomach pain
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Vomiting
  • Weakness
  • Weight loss


Certain varieties of almonds can be particularly harmful to your pet:

Bitter almond

Bitter almonds are a source of hydrogen cyanide if left untreated. They aren’t offered untreated within the United States due to the danger of toxic exposure but are present in almond extracts and drinks.

Chinese almonds

They’re not really almonds, but those seeds that are found in an Apricot. They also contain small amounts of cyanide, which could cause death if eaten in large quantities. The maximum dose that can kill adult humans is 50-60 kernels. The dosage that causes death could be significantly smaller for your pet based upon the weight of your dog.

Causes Of Almond Poisoning In Dogs.

Even though almonds properly processed aren’t poisonous in and by themselves, almonds can pose some additional risk factors. The risks include:


Almonds that humans can consume for snacking often contain salt and other seasonings added. Too much salt can result in an increase in water retention in dogs and possibly damage to kidneys. This is especially dangerous for dogs suffering from heart problems.


Aflatoxin is a result of the Aspergillus mold. Although aflatoxin levels found in foods aren’t harmful in dogs, humans are extremely sensitive to it. There are usually tiny amounts of these molds on tree nuts like Brazil nuts and pistachios.

High phosphorus content

The high levels of phosphorus found in the majority of nuts could, in the end, increase the chance of bladder stones developing.


Dogs don’t always consume their meals as well as humans. This could cause choking hazards due to the hardness of the nut and its dimensions and form.


Nuts are extremely rich in fat, which is an important factor in the development of pancreatitis, an illness that is painful that can drastically cut down the life span of your pet.

Diagnosis Of Almond Poisoning In Dogs.

The signs and symptoms associated with this disease can prompt your vet to take a complete medical history of the patient in particular, noting the food items your pet used to eat recently. Usually, a thorough physical examination will be performed as well as a full biochemical profile and blood count taken. The stools, urine, and vomitus are also likely to be tested, and they could reveal the underlying disease or toxin like aflatoxin. A pre-diagnostic based on the physical examination and history could prompt treatment before an official diagnosis has been confirmed.

Additional testing will depend on the signs manifesting. If your dog is exhibiting symptoms of damage to the stomach or is showing symptoms of dehydration, an ultrasound or x-ray of the chest and throat is recommended to look for the possibility of tearing in the esophagus as well as enlargement of the heart. Ultrasounds are a great way to examine the abdomen and can reveal an increase in the pancreas or the accumulation of fluid within this area.

Treatment Of Almond Poisoning In Dogs.

Treatment depends on how the almonds impact your animal. Treatment will be provided in the event of immediate issues like IV fluids to treat dehydration. Additionally, medications may be prescribed to ease symptoms. They could be anti-nausea medicines as well as antibiotics or pain relief medications that can be administered intravenously or via intramuscular injections.

If you suffer from toxic levels of aflatoxin, particularly the case of liver damage, there is a chance of liver damage or the liver. vitamin K treatments and hepatoprotectants can be suggested. The treatment that supports the dog is crucial for the chance of recovering from aflatoxin since there is no cure. If your pet has been vomiting for a long time or in a severe way, as can be observed with pancreatitis veterinarian might suggest a period of avoiding food intake at times for a few days. The reason for this method is to let the pancreas heal sufficiently for the swelling to decrease. If your dog is able and capable of eating on its own, a few low-fat, high-fiber, low-protein meals are usually recommended each day to speed up healing. Pancreatic enzyme supplements can be administered to ease abdominal pain, however it generally will not affect what is happening to the illness in itself.

Are you concerned about the expense associated with Almond Poisoning Treatment?

Pet Insurance covers the cost of many common health issues. Be prepared for unexpected costs by requesting quotes from the top insurance companies for pets.

Recovery Of Almond Poisoning In Dogs.

Make sure your pet receives the full amount of their medication and ensuring that the patient is in a quiet and peaceful environment can speed up the process of recovery. The use of antibiotics, liver and stomach protectants and antacids are used to help treat symptoms.

Dogs that are poisoned with aflatoxin may require a follow-up appointment to assess their liver function.

Pancreatitis-afflicted dogs will typically be placed on a restricted diet of low-fat, high-fiber diets for the rest of their lives. Supplementation of pancreatic enzymes, although unlikely to alter the overall nature of this disease can help with the extreme abdominal discomfort.

Almond poisoning can cost a lot to treat. To avoid expensive vet costs, secure pet health insurance now. The sooner you can insure your animal, the better insurance you’ll have to cover unexpected vet expenses.


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