Can Dogs Eat Plums
If you’re a pet parent, it’s likely that you enjoy every occasion to enjoy meals with your dog to strengthen your bond. The carefully chosen and prepared vegetables and fruits may seem to be a great choice. However, you might be shocked to discover that certain of your favorites aren’t the best choices for canines. Are dogs allowed to eat plums, or are they prohibited?
The truth is that dogs aren’t allowed to consume plums. Although they are delicious, no matter where you find them, they are not a great food choice for dogs. Learn more about why dogs should not eat plums and why you should provide commercially available dog snacks and meals instead. As many of the foods that are good for humans may be harmful to dogs, make sure that you and your vet must approve each new food that you introduce into your dog’s food bowl.
Why Are Plums Poisonous To Dogs?
They’re sweet, juicy, and delicious. So why is it that plums are not good for dogs? Although the flesh of the fruit isn’t toxic to dogs, it won’t provide your dog with any major health advantages. Other components of the plum, including its pits, stems, and leaves, contain cyanide in levels that could pose a danger for your pet if eaten. The pit isn’t only a cyanide rich source, but it could cause a fatal GI obstruction, whether it’s swallowed whole or bitten into.
It’s possible to ask, as the flesh of a plum is non toxic, is it possible for dogs to get plums that are pitted? The truth is the flesh of a plum is high in sugar which is not good for dogs and is particularly harmful to dogs suffering from certain health conditions. This is why it’s best to stay clear of the fruit completely.
Also, you should be aware that while canned plums or plum juice might seem like a good alternative to fresh plums, they typically have high levels of sugar. With all the potential issues that could arise and cause problems, it’s better to keep the plums for yourself and look for a healthier alternative to feed your dog snacks.
What Happens If My Dog Is Fed Plums?
If you suspect that your dog is eating leaves, pits, or stems, contact your vet and your local center . Also, you should be watching your dog for any of the following signs that could suggest that your dog has consumed plums with no knowledge.
- Drooling rapid, excessive salivation, or respiration that is labored
- Eyes watery
- Dilated pupils
- Heart rate rapid
- Inflamed or bright red gums
- Collapse
- Coma
How Can I Help If My Pet Has Eaten Plums?
Do dogs consume plums and have no symptoms at all? Yes, provided that none of the harmful components of the plum were consumed. If your dog has consumed the flesh of the plum, but it was not, the pit, stem, and leaves might have digestive issues because of the high amount of sugar and fiber. Prepare for digestive issues during the days or hours following the incident.
If pets eat whole plums or consume any part of the fruit that is not the soft flesh, particularly the pit, they may develop symptoms of poisoning with cyanide. Call your veterinarian or pet poison control as soon as possible If you suspect or know that your dog ate plum pits, stems, or leaves.
What Can I Do To Prevent My Dog From Consuming Plums?
Giving dogs plums to eat as a snack isn’t an ideal choice. Make sure that they are kept out of your dog’s reach, such as in the fridge or on a shelf that is high up, so that your dog doesn’t get the plums for treats and eat them off your back. If you’re eating them, ensure that you dispose of the poisonous components in a container that your pet is not able to get access to. It is important that everyone who is in or visiting your home, especially curious children, know the correct answer to the question, “Can dogs have plums?”