Catspreading ‘Big Boss’ among finalists of Comedy Pet Photography Awards
Numerous pet owners claim their cat or dog is the most hilarious animal in the world. These claims may not be far from the truth, as shown by the 2023 Comedy Pet Photography Awards winners. From a poodle soaring across the sky to a cat making a grin on the camera, household pet jokes have risen to a new level.
The contest’s winners will be announced on August 11th.
A life-changing event
Alex is the most shy of the two. Max is the more fun one. Together, they make a cute pair. I took more pictures of them than on the most exciting wildlife photography adventures.
In March of 2019, I was sitting on the dog’s run within Union Square in New York City when I saw someone carrying a pink bag in her palm (to keep her hands clear) and chucking the ball at her dog. It was sitting on her. The dog then flew off and turned in mid-air towards me before snapping! As you can observe, the lady holding her head resting on her was just as shocked as I was, and I’m guessing she’s telling me, “Phew.” I’ve searched for hours using my New York media to find the owner to forward her an email. I haven’t had luck, and I hope this Pet Comedy competition can help me locate the mysterious woman and her bouncing dog. It’s never too early to know!
The Boss of the lot
Big Boss reigns supreme in this place. He’s gentle, and his kindheartedness is as significant.
Kylian’s sleeping
Kylian couldn’t lie down on a mattress. Maybe he woke up in [the jungle…
When digging gets serious
Shadow had been digging up holes just like usual at the beach, but suddenly, he showed his new method! Luckily, the camera was at all times for the bizarre location!
It’s the perfect landing pose.
The three greys
Karin, as well as her dog. Do you think they look identical?
Albert Einstein
He snuck the tongue in my face, just as in the famous Einstein photograph.
The 498th round of hide and seek.
Misty the spaniel was desperate to playdate with Nala, her regal older lady in the menagerie. She was not very keen. However, Misty was pretty bad at hiding and seeking.
Free kick football
The tension on the field and waiting for the kickoff to be free.
That’s the main reason for happiness.
That’s a lot of explanation. (Don’t worry; it’s just hemp used in industry.)
First outdoor hike
Tiny ferret that is happy and content. Boudicca (only 2.5 months old) is enjoying her first walk outside.
Yes, it is; his name is Oscar. Oscar is an Afghan greyhound and is extremely satisfied with his qualities.
Bidule as goalkeeper
We played with our cat, Bidule, and a paper ball [ball of writing].
Keep an eye on the ball
Try unsuccessfully to get the ball.
Pop up
He appears to emerge from the autumn leaves, does he not?
Ball is used to create silhouettes.
Bobby is playing with the ball, surrounded by a beautiful sunset. We were shooting pictures of Bobby as the sun rapidly changed direction and disappeared behind a hill. I was adjusting the setting on my camera to preserve the clarity of the black dog against the sky, but I realized that I should just use the most straightforward option of shooting the dog as a silhouette.
Zorro reborn
The Avenger of the Weak is back as an animal, not riding a horse but in a vehicle! The mandatory black mask is essential and of course.
A gorgeous couple
I was unable to overcome this couple!
Daisy, the little Daisy, and her future big
Two sisters from two litters: confident Crystal and adorable baby Daisy.
Do you think it’s a seal? Or an animal?
There’s a hidden place beneath the sofa where Louis is known to conceal. The day I removed his tennis ball from “his place,” he became angry, threw his head through the hole, and began barking at me to get his ball returned. This is when he transformed into a seal of anger me and decided that I should record the moment.
Edgar’s dandelion
Beautiful Edgar’s favorite food items are Dandelions as well as the leaves. Here, she’s taking her time and enjoying the taste.
Who is your name?
Our cat Lilly was playing with mice. We saved the mouse, and the mouse attracted our cat. Amyhen, my friend, said, “hi.”
We attempted to capture a fantastic autumnal picture of Milo. Instead of lying on his back, he was bouncing around in circles. His friend’s family loves this photo because it showcases his personality more clearly than any other image.
Flying Poodle
This is Barney, our pet poodle, spotted mid-flight as he ran.