Thinking of taking your dog to the office? Here’s our tips
As many of us have returned to work or plan to do so in the near future, some may be considering having their dog join them at work, particularly if they’ve adopted a pet during the epidemic!
We’re huge fans of workplaces that are dog-friendly – and the RSPCA office isn’t an exception. Pet dogs at the workplace can be an extremely positive experience for both the employees and the canines. There are a few points to take into consideration prior to taking your dog to work to ensure that the visit doesn’t negatively affect the health or well-being of the human or dog co-workers.
Before you take your pet to the workplace, make sure you have it
This may sound like common sense; however, before bringing your dog to work, make sure your workplace is in good standing with it! Certain workplaces may not be suitable for dogs. Some colleagues may have valid reasons to choose not to allow dogs at work, for instance, extreme allergies or fears.
If you’ve received the green signal, ensure that your dog’s health is up-to-date with their vaccinations and parasite control. You wish to reduce the risk of them getting sick or transmitting an infectious disease at work. Be sure that they’re identified and have up-to-date information on the microchip’s register.
The dogs who visit the office must be socialized with other dogs and with people and must be taught to reward positive reinforcement using rewards-based methods. If you reward calm behavior at work, this makes the pet more inclined to stay at peace in the future.
A safe and comfortable setting
In the first place, make sure your workplace is safe for your pet. It is important to be aware of dangers like cords, cables, and poisonous plants and make sure that they don’t be able to get into garbage bins or food items!
Bring your pet’s favorite blanket, pet bed (plus treats for your pet) wat, bowls, and food. Additionally, having their favorite toys will keep them entertained while working.
It’s recommended to place your dog’s bed near your desk or, if you’re not there, on the desk of someone else whom your dog trusts and trusts. This ensures that your dog is supervised directly. Some workplaces have temporary penned areas with baby gates that surround the desk of the owner, which can also be useful. Dogs can be a part of your meetings or other places if this is a good idea.
Dogs should not have an access point to your kitchen. It is possible to prevent this by locking the door or directing them toward you when they do decide to enter the kitchen area and rewarding them when they approach you.
If there are other dogs at the office, it’s best to introduce dogs outside of the office in case they’ve never met one prior. Consider introducing them in the car park before taking them on a short stroll before entering the office.
During the day
It’s always recommended to take your dog for a walk every morning to ensure they don’t get too eager to go to work. Your dog will always be looking for an hour of their own early in the day to get to know any dogs that are around and to say hello to your colleagues.
Take your dog on a nice stroll or walk during the day. Your lunch break is the perfect opportunity to leave the office and breathe in the fresh air. Make sure you don’t feed your dog prior to or following exercise.
It’s important to provide enough time to take breaks for toilets, and you can encourage the practice of going outside to reward your dog with great when they have a bathroom in the right location. If they are able to flush in the office accidentally- and this could happen due to the fact that new environments are often exciting and confusing – it’s ideal to avoid displaying any reaction and not penalize the dog for it. Make sure to clean the area thoroughly using an ammonia-free cleaning product available at your local vet shop or pet supply retailer.