Animal by-products general guidance
ABPs are animal byproducts, which include entire animals or their parts, products of animal origin, and other products derived from animals that are not meant for human consumption. Animal byproducts can pose a risk to the public’s and animals’ health. For many years, legislation has been put in place to control the risks. It outlines the requirements for collection, storage, and transport of animal byproducts, as well as their treatment, use, and disposal.
What is included?
ABPs include everything from used cooking oil and catering waste to dead animals and fallen stock, including:
- Catering Waste
- Use cooking oil
- former foodstuffs
- Butcher and Slaughterhouse Waste
- Blood
- Feathers
- Wool
- Skins and hides
- fallen stock
- Pet animals
- Zoo and circus animals
- hunt trophies
- manure
- The ova
- Embryos and Semen
Animal byproducts can pose a risk to the public’s and animals’ health. Inappropriate use of animal products has led to outbreaks of diseases like foot and mouth, classical swine flu, avian Influenza, and the spread of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. For many years, legislation has been implemented to reduce these risks. It outlines the collection, storage, and transport of animal byproducts, as well as their treatment, use, and disposal. Regulation (EC), 1069/2009, and the accompanying implementing Regulations(EU) 142/2011 have been introduced to review the legislation governing ABP control. In Northern Ireland, the Animal Byproducts Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2015 enforces this.
Unless otherwise stated, Regulation (EC), 1069/2009 (and its corresponding Implementing Regulation (EU), 142/2011) are referred to throughout this guide as the EU Control Regulation or the EU Implementing Regulation.
The following table outlines the three levels of risk associated with animal byproducts.
Categorization animal byproducts
Regulation (EC 1069/2009) categorizes animal byproducts into three different categories based on the risk they pose to animal and public health.
Material of Category 1
Article 8 of Regulation 1069/2009 defines Category 1 material. It is material considered to be a TSE-risk, such as Specified Material (SRM), which is material considered to contain the most disease, like BSE.
Animals used in zoos, circuses, and experimental animals can also be classified under category one due to the residues and veterinary drugs they contain. Wild animals can also be classified under category one if they are suspected of carrying a disease that is transmissible to humans and animals.
Categorized as category 1, catering waste from international transport is waste that has arrived from outside of the EU.
Category 2 Material
Article 9 of Regulation 1069/2009 defines Category 2.
The material in Category 2 is also of high risk. This includes manure, digestive tract contents, and fallen stock. Any animal byproduct that is not classified in Regulation (EC), 1069/2009, as Category 1 or 3 material falls under the Category 2 category.
Material of Category 3
Article 10 of Regulation 1069/2009 defines Category 3.
Materials in Category 3 are low-risk. Materials in Category 3 include parts of animals that have been deemed fit for human consumption at a slaughterhouse but are not intended to be consumed. Category 3 contains foodstuffs or products of animal or plant origin that are no longer designed to be consumed by humans for commercial reasons, manufacturing or packaging defects, or any other defect that does not pose a threat to human or animal health.
Mixtures of different animal byproducts
According to Articles 8 and 9 of Regulation (EC), 1069/2009, mixtures containing different categories of animal products must be classified according to the animal byproduct with the highest level of risk. For example, a variety having categories 1, 2, and 3 will be classified as category one materials.
Animal byproducts: disposal and use
Articles 12, 13, and 14 of Regulation (EC 1069/2009) list the different routes for disposal and use. The fewer the options, the higher the category of risk. The Implementing Regulation (EU 142/2011) contains detailed rules for use and disposal.
Article 16 of Regulation 1069/2009 allows Member States to take advantage of certain derogations in the use and disposal of animal byproducts. You can find more information about our derogations in section 14 of the link below.
Keep animal diseases outside the EU. Conditions don’t know borders.
According to Article 3 of Regulation No 206/2009, Member States are required to inform travelers from third countries of the veterinary requirements applicable to their consignments at all points of entry to the Union.