Cryptorchidism in Cats (Undescended Testicles)
Feline cryptorchidism, also known as retained testicle or undescended testicle, is a condition in which one or both testicles remain in the abdomen instead of the sac or scrotum. Although this genetic disorder might appear unimportant, it’s a huge issue.
When the newborn kitten arrives, testicles reside inside the stomach; right next to them are the kidneys. As the kitten grows older as it grows, the testicles begin to move to their usual place of residence, which is the scrotum. Some think they should reach it at two months of age rather than six months. Ensuring the testicles are located where they are is a must during the kitten’s first visit to the vet. Another reason why this first visit is crucial.
When one of the testicles is not ascending, it is called “unilateral cryptorchidism.” When both testicles suffer, the cat suffers from “bilateral cryptorchidism.”
Where are the testicles located?
Another way to define the phenomenon of cryptorchidism is to describe it by location. There are two main spots where the descended testicle(s) are:
- The belly (abdominal cryptorchidism)
- The abdomen is where it connects with that of the rear of the leg (called the inguinal area [inguinal cryptorchidism[inguinal cryptorchidism])
Based on the area, the vet might be able to identify the testicle that is not a descendant during an examination.
The diagnosis of cryptorchidism in cats
Sometimes, it’s challenging to identify a newly adopted kitten with cryptorchidism. How do you determine whether there aren’t any testicles in the scrotum because they became lazy and remained in the stomach or whether the cat is sterilized? Neutered or not, cats exhibit an odd feature that provides the answer: when you reach the point of sexual maturation at approximately nine months old, the penis is covered with spikes. These are known as barbs. After a cat has been neutered, the barbs are gone. There is usually no need to check the testosterone levels of the cats. A diagnosis for bilateral cryptorchidism could be determined by detecting barbs in the penis following nine months.
What are the causes of the condition known as cryptorchidism in cats?
The cat’s condition, if left intact (i.e., not neutered), could lead to two serious health issues:
- The first is testicular cancer. The other is testicular. Although the likelihood of spreading (metastasis) is not high, it’s still possible. Thus keeping your pet in good health could be a risk you don’t want to take.
- The other risk could be “testicular torsion,” which is less frequent. A testicle in the belly can be free-floating rather than stationary in the scrotum. It may twist and turn. This can be a painful condition that is difficult to identify.
Treatment of cat cryptorchidism
Whatever your cat’s age and age, when the condition is recognized, and whether it’s bilateral or unilateral or bilateral, it is strongly recommended to get it treated. The only way to treat it is to neuter your pet (i.e., remove both testicles).
The procedure of neutering a cryptorchid cat can be somewhat more complex than routine neuter because your vet has to locate any missing testicle(s) within the abdomen or the inguinal region.
The prevention of the development of cryptorchidism in cats.
As cryptorchidism can be an inheritable disease and a genetic condition, it is not recommended to breed cats with the unilateral state (i.e., only one testicle) since they could transmit it to their offspring. But, the majority of cats with bilateral cryptorchidism have sterility. The reason may be that the temperature within the human body can be too hot, and the sperm cells cannot develop normally.