Importance of microchipping pets
Microchipping your pet (pet) will give you the best chance to reunite with them should they choose to wander off or become lost. It’s also required in many areas. Microchipping is a simple and simple procedure where tiny chips – around the size of grains of rice are placed below the skin between shoulder blades on the rear of your pet’s neck.
What is it that makes it function?
Each chip is assigned a unique number that is scanned by the scanner for microchips. The microchip’s number is stored in a register that contains information regarding the pet and its owner. If you experience the unthinkable and your pet is missing, then shelters, veterinarians, or local councils could scan their chip to get the contact information of your pet.
After a microchip has been inserted into the body, it’ll remain in place for the rest of your pet’s existence. Collars and ID tags are excellent but should not be worn. Should your pet break free from its yoke or its tag be lost, the microchip can assist in its identification.
Of course, one of the best methods to prevent this is to ensure that your pet is securely confined to your home. For cats, it is important to keep pets secure indoors or outdoors, and for dogs that can access a yard, you should make sure that the backyard is safe.
Keep everything up-to-date
Although microchips are a great method for your pet to return home, they are only useful when you keep your information in the microchip database up-to-date. If you move or change your number, or if your animal companion’s ownership is modified, it’s essential to change the database on your microchip with the details you have registered to ensure you have access to the most current information about yourself.
The easiest method of updating your contact information is to go to your pet’s address with the microchip number for your pet. (this will also reveal what database you’re registered to in the event that you’re not aware!). Pet Address will direct you to the pet registry, which provides your pet’s microchip and also allows you to get in touch with them if you require your information to be changed.
If you are unable to remember the microchip number of your pet, consult your veterinarian or the database that your microchip is registered with. If you know, they’ll be able to help. In Australia, there are seven microchip registrations:
Suppose you own a greyhound, and you can’t locate their microchip information in any of the above registry websites or pet addresses. In that case, you can go to the Greyhound Racing Victoria Microchip Registry (as the microchips of certain greyhounds who were originally from Victoria might only be available at the GRV Microchip Registry).
An easy and quick procedure
Many people are concerned that microchipping may cause discomfort to their pets. However it’s vital to be aware that microchipping is an easy (only just a few minutes) easy, safe procedure that causes minimal discomfort for your pet. Some pets may be hesitant or cry when the chip is inserted, but the pain is minimal and will last for a short time, and the majority of pets will forget about it in a short time. The advantages of microchipping regard identifying a lost animal and linking them with their owners far surpass any minor, brief discomfort.
The ideal pet cat or dog needs to be microchipped prior to buying or adopting your pet. If, however, your pet isn’t microchipped, then we suggest you schedule appointments with the vet to get the pet chipped as fast as you can (even in states where microchipping is not yet mandatory). Certain local councils, as well as animal welfare organizations, can microchip animals. All pets and dogs that are adopted by RSPCA shelters have microchips (as well as being desexed and vaccinated! ).