The week in animal welfare: Volume #9
We’re back with another roundup of animal welfare news you might have missed this week. Let’s start:
Greyhounds looking for forever homes
The Daily Telegraph has been a great place to praise greyhounds and show them the love they deserve. Victoria Giampietro, a new adopter of greyhounds, says: “If you’ve been looking for a pet and have wondered what to buy, I think [greyhounds] are a wonderful choice.” The RSPCA agrees and offers a comprehensive guide for adopting and caring for a greyhound.
Why are some graziers wishing to keep dingoes and not kill them?
The Conversation explored the hotly debated research topic of whether dingoes can effectively control kangaroos and feral goats, particularly in cattle stations.
Ten Selfish Reasons to Save Elephants
The Guardian lists elephants’ benefits to humans, including their ability to make them healthier and happier. The article says that if we help elephants, then we also help ourselves.
A new livestock welfare partnership will focus on “aversive” management practices.
Meat and Livestock Australia has announced a research partnership with several researchers that will be focused on improving animal welfare. This is an excellent move, which will see 35 million dollars invested over five years.
Forrest’s main beef with Rinehart’s massive cattle export plans
Gina Rinehart’s plans to send 800,000 cattle to China each year for slaughter have highlighted the problems with live exports and the advantages of local processing.
The Australian reported that billionaire Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest, who owns a cattle company, has strongly opposed the idea. He said, “Mrs Rinehart’s plan to turn Australia’s top-end into a massive ‘cattleyard’ where other nations could source livestock and ship it overseas to be converted into high-value beef was a disaster for Australia.”
Compassion is not a crime, but pigs are still property.
Jordan Sosnowski, Australia For Dolphins, examines a case that has become infamous in Canada, where an activist was prosecuted after giving water to thirsty and destined for slaughter pigs (and had the chance later dismissed), and explores whether animals are classified as “property” by the law and the implications.