Your higher welfare Christmas sorted
The holiday season is upon us! With so many holiday events happening and festive treats to enjoy, It can be not easy to figure out how to participate in the festivities without making healthier choices. The good news is that we’re here to assist all Australians who are concerned about the welfare of farm animals. Shopping, cooking – and even shopping mindfully are on their list of priorities.
To aid you, we’ve put together a guide on how to pick a higher-quality product with respect to a few of the most popular animal-based products in the event that you decide to include eggs, meat, or fish in your plans for the holidays.
Choose RSPCA Approved
If you are planning a festive meal that includes turkey, ham, Salmon, chicken, and eggs, we recommend choosing products that have RSPCA-approved certification. RSPCA Approved Producers rear their animals according to the RSPCA’s strict standards for animal care and welfare standards, which ensure they receive a more hospitable habitat and everything needed for a healthy life. Animals raised by these producers are provided with the opportunity to move about freely and be able to exhibit their natural behaviors, exercise for their bodies and minds, and high-quality bedding or litter for them to rest on. They also have a wide range and hundreds of standards specific to animals that Producers must follow in order to keep their RSPCA Certified Approved status.
Importantly, producers with RSPCA Certified approval are routinely examined in our comprehensive accreditation process So you can be confident that the requirements are fulfilled.
If you purchase products bearing the RSPCA-approved logo, you’ll be helping Australian farmers who are committed to the welfare of animals. In addition, you will continue to demonstrate to businesses and retailers that animal welfare is the top priority when you Find groceries to buy.
If you’re at either of these two main supermarkets and are looking for RSPCA turkey, chicken, or pork, The following guide can help:
Other methods to shop mindfully
We recommend searching for products that have RRSPCA-approved certification whenever it is possible; we recognize that these products may not be accessible. If you’re looking for products with the welfare of animals in mind but can’t find a product bearing an RRSPCA-approved logo, here are some tips for choosing products with more animal-friendly products.
PorkAll freshly-cooked pork that is sold across Australia is sourced from pigs who are raised in Australia. However, numerous pork products like Deli meats, processed hams, and pre-cooked pork can be imported from other countries. The standards for the welfare of pigs differ significantly between countries, and pigs may not be treated with the same respect at home as the ones in Australia.
While Australian traditional pork production isn’t completely good for the well-being of the pig, there have been positive changes, like the removal of Sow Stalls on large numbers of Australian farms. But the majority of Australian pork is derived from pigs that were born to be sows in the farrowing crate.
To ensure that you’re not purchasing pork from a company that makes use of farrowing crates, make sure you are buying free-range or outdoor-bred pork.
SeafoodFish, as with all vertebrates, can feel pain. Therefore, if you are planning to eat a Christmas dinner that is based on fish that has been farmed, make certain to buy from sources who have been raised to higher welfare standards and are frequently audited, for example, RSPCA-approved Salmon.
If you decide to purchase wild-caught seafood, know that the vast majority of wild fish caught commercially that are still alive at the time of landing are killed either by being trapped in the air and suffocating or from the combination of suffocation with evisceration (gutting) in the course of processing. These processes can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours to trigger insensibility, can cause considerable pain, and aren’t considered humane.
A healthy environment is essential for crustaceans. They have numerous nerve centers throughout their bodies. They also suffer if not stunned prior to slaughter.
If your menu contains lobsters, crabs, or other similar species, do not purchase them alive – always dead. As with fish, they must be handled with care and stunned before being slaughtered. The process is best performed by highly skilled experts using specially-designed equipment, and not at your home or in a dining establishment.
DairyMany celebrations at Christmas usually start with the cheese above the platter and conclude with a meal that is with custard, cream, or other types that are made of dairy. Similar to many other agricultural systems across Australia, there are concerns about the welfare of dairy cattle.
Dairy calves can be subjected to painful procedures like dehorning or disbudding, and even while the number of farmers using pain relief has grown, it’s not obligatory. Treatment of the bobby calves is also a matter of concern, and many suffer poorer quality treatment and stressful separation from their mothers.
Other issues related to welfare that dairy cows face include problems with lameness and Mastitis caused by poor conditions on farms. When possible, choose brands who are open regarding their practices for farming in their animal welfare policies, including the amount of time cows are allowed access to pasture, whether there is a program to prevent lameness, and the amount of contact permitted between cows and their calves. Find out what questions you should ask here.
From everyone at RSPCA Approved, We wish you a safe, happy Christmas season.