The New Pet Parent Guide: Flea and tick prevention for puppies
Congratulations on your decision! You’re preparing for the first few months as a pet parent. You are researching the best ways to train your dog. You are buying puppy-safe toys and bedding. Flea and tick prevention is essential for puppies when you’re preparing for your four-legged friend.
Age is Important
Be sure to check with Adams(TM) before considering flea or tick treatment for your best friend.
What else can you ask about flea and tick prevention?
Preventing your dog from contracting ticks and fleas is the best way to protect him. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound cure. It’s easier to prevent a flea infestation than to try to eradicate it. You’re also protecting your dog from ticks and fleas. These pests can lead to skin infections, fur loss, anemia, and tapeworms.
Before you adopt your puppy, here are two questions that you should ask about flea- and tick protection.
Do new puppies need flea and tick prevention products?
Do puppies need flea and tick prevention products specifically made for them?
Adams(TM’s) products recommend that you do not use flea or tick products on puppies younger than 12 weeks. Flea combs can remove fleas from puppies more youthful than 12 weeks. Your vet will recommend products that can be used to prevent tick and flea infestation in puppies older than 12 weeks.
The Veterinary Medical Association 1 also suggests the following questions regarding flea and tick prevention in puppies:
What parasites is this product effective against?
How often should this product be used?
What is the average time it takes for the products to begin working?
What happens if your puppy reacts to the product?
Can a dog have more than one flea product?
What are the benefits of multiple tick and flea protection products?
How to prepare your yard and home
You now have a better understanding of effective flea and tick prevention. Now you need to prepare for your puppy’s arrival. This includes treating outside and inside your home.
At your home
You can buy a brand-new pet bed or wash an old one with hot water and detergent.
Wash toys that you love with soap and hot water.
Use a high-quality vacuum cleaner with an agitator to clean your home. Carpets, floors, upholstery, etc., should be included.
An Adams(TM), Plus Flea and Tick Indoor Fogger is a good option if you suspect you may have an infestation. It can be used on large areas of carpeted flooring or other upholstered surfaces. You can try an Adams(TM) carpet spray for a more targeted approach. Combining these products will provide a broader coverage on household surfaces.