Arthritis is a condition of joint inflammation that may cause discomfort and swelling. It may occur when joints don’t form properly when injured or infected or if they are excessively used. One out of four dogs will have Arthritis at some point. Arthritis can be a problem for any breed or age of the dog, but it is most often seen in older dogs.

Signs of Arthritis


Stiffness that becomes more severe after lying down

Joint swelling

Reluctance to climb up and down the stairs

It isn’t easy to get in and out of your car.

Stay clear of walks and play.

How to help your dog with Arthritis

If your dog is diagnosed with Arthritis or you suspect that your dog is suffering from Arthritis, then there’s a variety of safe and effective treatments. Consult your vet to determine which treatment options are most beneficial for your dog.

Here are my top and most effective methods for dealing with Arthritis in dogs.

CBD. Hemp-derived CBD is a natural and effective treatment for Arthritis. My personal favorite is HempRx. For large dogs, I use HempRx Forte. For small dogs, I utilize HempRx. You can look over my dosage chart here.

Glucosamine/Chondroitin. These joint supplements can protect joints from damage and help reduce inflammation. I recommend Glycoflex III as a base supplement. Add glucosamine-rich treats like the Hip Hoppin Hearties is an excellent way to take an additional punch of arthritis-fighting ingredients into delicious treats!

Fish oil. Omega fatty acids help reduce inflammation and are beneficial for general health. I utilize Ultra EFA together and Super Smarty Hearties to provide my dogs with an extra booster of omegas.

Training. It’s essential to keep dogs who have Arthritis active. Short walks, physical therapy exercises, and swimming are all great methods to keep the joints of your dog fluid and mobile. Exercise is also beneficial in keeping your dog’s muscles strong to help support joints.

Loss of weight. Keeping your dog slim and trim can aid them in moving around. Any extra weight, even a few pounds, could significantly increase the pain associated with Arthritis. I keep my patients thin when they can without loss of the strength of their muscles.

Acupuncture. This therapy involves the use of tiny needles to aid in improving circulation and reduce inflammation. My pup patients tolerate acupuncture and appreciate the advantages.

Massage. Canine massage is a great way to improve circulation, reduce muscle discomfort, and be responsible for pain-prone joints. You can employ a professional massage therapist or even massage your pet at your home.

Chiropractic. A lot of my patients experience immense relief through chiropractic. Both chiropractors and vets can be certified to treat animals. Choose a skilled practitioner who has extensive experience working with dogs.

NSAIDs. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines can significantly impact your dog’s health and lessen inflammation and pain. The long-term use of these medications requires blood tests every 6-12 months to check your dog’s liver function.

The practice of physical therapy. The goal of dog therapy is to ease pain and increase muscles. Physical therapists and veterinarians will provide a home care program to help you through exercises and stretching.

I would like to know what you think! What can your dog do to help with Arthritis? Comment below!


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